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In a British Free Market society inside the coming Endarkenment, highly-mechanised farming will be rediscovered


David Davis

Apologies for absence

Via the Englishman’s castle, I spotted this ongoing business. I particularly loved this passage below – it says everything about the mindset of those who deliberately set out to unwind organised and settled human civilisation:-

[An internal e-mail from Natural England, quoted on a blog, hails a] “major opportunity for Natural England to lead a high- profile ‘flagship species’ project that will highlight the organisation at the forefront of a major biodiversity delivery initiative . . . There is a small risk of conflict with both socioeconomic and nature conservation interests, but these would be effectively managed by risk assessment and contingency planning . . . A thoroughly planned and well-executed public relations strategy will maximise the potential positive publicity . . .”

The original article in The Times is here.

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