
Libertarian Alliance Remembrance Post 5: Giant Music in the Western Canonical tradition

David Davis

Firstly, this is a British Blog. There are no conditions under which we can easily see the titanic struggle we face for liberty, other than through the eyes of the Anglosphere.

Then, Libertarianism is about ultimately bringing individual freedom to all. We, or someone, shall: if not here, then somewhere far in the future. But in the meantime and in the coming “endarkening” (a Denis McShane word but none the worse for that) it can fall to some peoples through their history and traditions – better than to others because of their historical misfortune – to say things and do things which try to defend the idea of individual liberty of action and thought.

The Western Musical Canon, its traditions and its archive of sometimes giant material, is arguably the greatest legacy, with the possiblt exception of Hard Science, to be left to those who come after.


  1. How can I think about political and economic issues when I am distracted by the beautiful and talented Hayley Westenra’s extraordinarily angelic voice?

  2. My dear Mark, old chap,

    On this occasion, we are _supposed_ to be distracted! The world is depressing enough already, without our having to concentrate _all_ the time on the gremlins waiting for us out in the darkness!

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