Old Holborn: The NHS Is Bad For Your Health

UPDATE:- Here’s what Mummylonglegs thought about what someone did at Staffs hospital – taking his dead dad’s ashes to a meeting about (dead dad) not attending appointments…..after two years….

Sean Gabb

Old Holborn: The NHS Is Bad For Your Health

The Libertarian Alliance is on record as predicting that abolition of “free” State Health Care would be unpopular with the British People, in the event of a libertarian/classical liberal minimal-statist administration coming to power. Indeed, I stated as much in my speech to Conservative Future a little time ago.

Nevertheless, this alters nothing of the truth of Old Holborn’s main thesis. The destruction of lives and deterioration of care in general is no more or less that what’s expected of a state-run, bureaucratic behemoth. But it is no more excusable for that. Those who say and think they know what is best for the Common People, thus show publicly that they cannot deliver.

What I said about the NHS under a “libertarian government” takes account of priorities faced by such an administration. We believe there would be worse threats to be countered on Day-One, than the size, expense and uselessness of hospital buraucracies. Addressing these would be feasible later, in a climate of renerwed enterprise, individual spirit and general positivity towards what some would at first see as too-revolutionary change.


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