
The poor sad bastard has been had for a gumph, and he’s still the Prime Minister

David Davis

Gordon Brown had been had unfortunately. Again. Proper, politically-brought-up GramscoFabiaNazis are not the only people in the Enemy-Class.

it contains others. Unscrupulous crypto-socialists pretending to be liberal capitalists and therefore disguised as humans who are running “firms”, mostly under the age of about 40 0r 45, and who run outfits that could produce all this unusable and unwanted hardware, which will not do anything like what we are told (and they of course do know it, but will have cashed up and buggered off by the time that’s detecte and we are all freezing in the dark) also qualify.

Two directors of “Testa”, an outfit related to Degesch, I believe, were indicted at Nuremburg, and we hanged them.

I do not agree with libertarians who think we should let off the modern equivalent of such people with their pensions intact if they apologise for being GFNs. Firms which actively and deliberately encourage belief in false religions such as AGW, being bribed to behave like that by States, should feel the full coldness of truth, in the fullness of time. Statist reactions to “AGW” will kill, in time, millions of people.

Auberon Waugh would have said the following:-

“I am not saying at this time that we should round up and shoot dead all directors of firms that actively lobby the British Government and its Terror-Police to pay them to make and sell wind-turbines to that same government, but I think we ought to look at the interlocking relationships inside the Class of Persons that goes to the drinks-parties that these people frequent.”

As an “aside-thought”, seriously highly-developed Nazi governments like this one run just now by the British Labour Party, which like to “send strong messages” about all sorts of things, to people, may have wanted to nationalise more than one bank so that they can direct “lending policy” towards projects that they “favour”, and away from others they do not favour, such as “small business” and “people”. I only refer to NSDAP state policies topwards businesses under R3 in the 1930s, and to nothing else at this stage.

I am beginning to think that some libertarians may not view me, and my views about original sin versus the actions caused by those sins which are acquired through error, quite as positively as I do myself. It may be that there are some humans who are innately bad, and are drawn excitedly to do bad deeds such as tendering for large wind-turbine contracts to Stalinist governments who steal from people at gunpoint. This of course is in the face of all “settled science” (such as the cheap and harmless use of fuels and steam pressure and electromagnetic induction.)


    • A gumph is a made-up word, by me, Tony. It signifies someone who is a GramscoFabiaNazi by temperament and inclination (and who is therefore an innately bad person who is also beyond redemption and who will have his own brazier and sack of coal in the outer void, Lucifer thinking him to be too cold to handle) but who is not quite, not quite…cunning enough to be a real GFN who _drives_ the programme.

  1. OK!

    I won’t ask who Lucifer is, because “Lux Ferre” is mentioned twice in the Bible — once, for Christ and another time for the Boss of Hell. Lux Ferre — Light Bearer. Confusing, isn’t it? There is no Devil in Judaism, I’m told.



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