Considerations on Liberty

Sebastian Ortiz

Freedom is a permanent, totalitarian, religion of cold warfare and design.

Permanence: Its conception of justice (must, should, ought, etc.) derives from the nature of things so that the fundamental relations of cause and effect on which the system is based must change to admit ¨changes¨ in its precepts.

Totalitarian: No stop-able injustice can therefore be theoretically tolerated, but identified as an infectious agent on a petri dish and observed through a microscope until the circumstances for justice to prevail are ripe.

Religion: Its political realisation, its enforcement, its defense and preservation relies on a permanent communication and internalization of the system by either greater or more logistically capable numbers of people.

Cold war: Any practical tolerance of injustice is just a cautious and patient assessment that just(ified) war is imprudent, or unlikely to be won at a given point in time. All communication with or about the advocates of injustice has as its purpose to evince the criminality of injustice logically and empirically, according to criteria of coherence and universal validity.

Design: Its intention of the prevention and solution of interpersonal, material conflict over physical bodies is the foundational premise of the entire system´s design: the definition of freedom as freedom from aggression, that is trespass (assault, invasion, etc.,) or non-permitted use of previously appropriated physical bodies.

If ideology can be truthfully defined as a set of beliefs that define a group by opposition to another group in a given society, then the great error in Rothbard´s strategy and tactical approach was to act as though his theory of justice was not an ideology and simply an extension of traditionalist, bourgeois, judeochristian ethical conservatism, instead of the advocacy of social destruction or dissolution (through secession.) Because some social criteria are defended while other are critiqued, and the criteria may well be impersonal, aggression may describe a modus operandi making a group not necessarily ¨identifiable¨ other than by a due process of historical revision of the facts, like in a trial, a statist proper is one who acts aggressively or cooperates voluntarily with aggressive acts so that it is not a permanent group like say ¨blacks¨ (one cannot choose not to be black) but for the theory of Hoppean, Austrian class analysis to be true, social dissolution must follow as a political consequence of the right of secession and this is not only true of German society, this is true of catholic society, of Western society. Libertarianism will have a divisive, destructive effect of all societies into new, voluntary societies.  To conceal this by an appeal to a portion of tradition is a deep strategic flaw, as it is really an appeal to sentiment and not principles.

As a minimum Rothbardians should desire, ideological, political sovereignty through secession. That is, every ideological camp throughout every society should have the right to separate themselves into a new political unit.

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