
The Americans have built somewhat bigger engines that we did, but then they had further to drive, with larger loads

I wonder why the driver has a chair, and what for, and what also the fireman is doing – t seems to be bugger all…?

h’t Bodwyn Wook


  1. The driver has a chair so he can sit, the fireman and the conductor also often had chairs as well

    The fireman is operating the mechanical stoker, adjusting the feed water supply and maintaining boiler pressure

    As to the larger engines in the USA, this has to do with the longer distances which often was not double tracked or have elaborate signaling due to the high cost of doing such work, so on such track it is more efficient to run a few large trains rather then many smaller trains. Also US labor costs were higher so it was also cheaper to have one relatively expensive crew move one 10,000 ton train then it was to have two expensive crews to move two 5,000 ton trains

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