
A stunningly original US television series – Titter Ye Not!

IRONSIDE (2013-). Centers on Robert T. Ironside, a tough, sexy and acerbic police detective relegated to a wheelchair after a shooting who is hardly limited by his disability as he pushes and prods his hand-picked team to solve the most difficult cases.


  1. Reblogged this on Ricardo Ben-Safed and commented:
    Nah….it’s a retread of a Raymond Burr starred TV show from 1967. The only difference in 2013 is that the show is Politically Correct starting Blair Underwood, (African-American). Same tired stories, nothing new.

    • Originality in TV and even in movies has been deceased for a long, long time. All these people can do now is fit original ideas and programs into the straitjacket of political correctness. For example, the new “Ironside” is a black guy, and the owners of the James Bond movie franchise have made Bond a non-smoker and “M” a bitchy Judi Dench. I see variations of this PC “remastering” all over the culture. I could go on for pages.

  2. To judge by the poster they (the media pinheads) appear to be setting the new “Ironside” in New York City – how odd.

    On a serious note……

    The Police Commissioner of New York City is being driven into a retirement ruined by a smear campaign of “racism” generated by the media and other trash (such as the new Mayor – an “Occupy” creature and Castro lover).

    Ray Kelly has saved more lives (including more lives of black people) than anyone else in the United States.

    Mr Kelly deserves better than to go into his retirement with all these lies and filth thrown all over him.

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