All Americans Now?

All Americans Now?
By Sean Gabb
(9th November 2016)

For me – and I think for many others – the American presidential election has been a repeat of the European Referendum. I went to bed with a faint hope. The BBC coverage of the results was filled with faintly crumbling Establishment optimism. I woke and turned on the computer, to look at the same shocked faces as last June. It is too early to say for sure if he has won, but it does seem that Donald Trump will be the next President of America.

Now, I make the usual reservation about the Libertarian Alliance that I direct. We are a charity. We take no part in electoral politics. We were, as an organisation, perfectly indifferent between Mr Trump and Mrs Clinton. Speaking for myself, I am delighted, and I extend congratulations to all my American friends, who worked so hard and hoped so such to see this result.

The idea that Mr Trump will do all the things he has promised is, and must be, unlikely. It seems to be in the nature of things for politicians to disappoint the people who elect them. But leave that aside. As with the European Referendum, this has been a vote on the New World Order. For generations, the British and American peoples have stood outside a wall of managed democracy. We have been asked to decide between issues that others have defined for us. At best, we have been able to choose the lesser of evils. Last June, and this November, we were given a real choice, and we raced for the exit.

The moral effect of what seems about to happen will be explosive. Two bloated, treasonous Establishments have faced electoral challenges, and have lost. The “loons” and “deplorables” have ignored the big media and the big money, and have voted for their conscience. Cultural leftism is not defeated – it has too great a control of the institutions to vanish overnight. But it has been put on notice of dismissal.

There will not be an escalation of the war in Syria. There will not be a war with Russia. There will be no pressure from the highest points of the American Government for the British Government to fudge our exit from the European Union. There will, almost certainly, be further upsets in the forthcoming elections through Europe.

Speaking personally again, it is too early to be sure. However, I have, for many years, been denouncing the United States as The Great Satan. It was the New World Order. It was the source of all war and unaccountable government. Well, all I can say at the moment, is that the Great Satan appears to have repented, and I shall look on the American flags that I encounter as I go about my daily business in England with far less distaste than at any time this century.

Regardless of our nationality, my friends and I are all Americans this morning.

For the rest, we shall have to see.


  1. Wonderful news!

    And unlike 1989, we will not waste this opportunity. This will re-energise the Anglo-Saxon spirit, and allow the fightback against Evil to begin. It is a first step, but a positive step. The road ahead will be difficult, but now we have hope. We all knew this needed to happen. Today is a good day.

  2. Well, I thought it might happen, because (as with the Leave voters) I expected there to be a significant minority who were going to vote Trump, but didn’t want to tell anyone about it beforehand.

    But I certainly didn’t expect it to happen. The merely bad has beaten the truly evil. Well done all my American friends.

  3. It’s a fundamental question which has been troubling me. Does the American language include this sense from the OED?

    ” TRUMP: To give forth a trumpet-like sound; spec. to break wind audibly (slang or vulgar).”

  4. Sean, I’m pleased to see that your prediction of the US presidential election result was as accurate as your EU referendum prediction. Tee hee.

  5. 1 Corinthians 15:52 King James Version (KJV)

    52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last TRUMP: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

  6. Well-considered and well-written as usual, Dr. Gabb! I do hope that we have upset the apple cart for real this time. I would be proud to participate in a new American revolution, throwing off globalism, corporatism, and cronyism. I shall be sharing this.

  7. So, what does Hillary do now? Here’s the Darn-Poor Rhymer’s guess:

    Hillary Elephant packed her trunk
    And said goodbye to the caucus,
    Off she slunk as the drums did thump,
    Trump, Trump, Trump!

  8. This is America’s ‘1985’.

    In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev became General Secretary of the Communist Party and thus de facto leader of the USSR. He then proceeded to try and save the Soviet system by implementing measured liberal capitalist reforms – glasnost and perestroika.

    The problem for Gorbachev was that he was about 30 years too late. Instead of opening up Soviet Union, the Communists had become frightened of their own people and had resisted the necessary social and political reforms that could have kept the Soviet Union working as a social democratic state. So, despite Gorbachev’s best efforts, the Soviet Union collapsed along with its Eastern Bloc satellites during the period 1989-1991.

    I think this is a useful analogy for United States. Trump has been elected not to ‘Make America Great Again’, but to Save America From Collapse. Like Gorbachev, Trump is the quintessential ‘insider’, The Capitalist’s Capitalist, just as Gorbachev was once a quiet fanatic for the Soviet system, and has now been asked to rescue the America system from its deserved Fate – a Fate, I might add, that was predicted by the Founding Fathers, who much like Lord Acton 100 years later, knew that the Republic they were creating would in time metamorphose into a hideous imperial tyranny.

    Trump won’t save America. The collapse will happen, though it will be slower than in the Soviet analogy, especially if Trump makes good on some of his promises, as these will serve to ameliorate many of the structural problems and hold up the rusting edifice for a while longer. A Wall, for instance, will not only serve as a physical barrier to unwelcome immigration from the South, it will also instil a false, complacent sense of confidence in the American system among its electors and patrons.

    As for the practical politics of this, Trump’s various opponents and enemies will now be sharpening their knives. Trump may well come to regret his victory (and the manner in which it was gained), as he may spend much of the next 4 years, maybe 8 years, under investigation and threatened with indictments and impeachment. Who’d be Donald Trump? Not me.

    Nixon in the United States and Blair here in Britain provide us with historical examples of what can happen when you gain a high-profile office on the back of slurring and maligning your opponent.

    Trump isn’t clean – and the dirt digging will have begun in earnest this morning. Just as with the Clintons, Trump will probably be the subject of a whole new pseudo-scandal industry, dedicated to bringing him down, and it may well succeed.

    However I am glad Trump has won. I also note that the Republicans have retained control of both House and Senate, so it’s a clean sweep. But the Republicans are not ‘one party’ and I wonder if Trump might be the catalyst for a break-up of the Republican Party and the creation of a new, breakaway America First Party, led by Trump himself?

    • Why do you say “[Trump] has now been asked to rescue the America system from its deserved Fate “. Why ‘deserved’?
      Personally I think Trump will be boxed in from all sides. Unlike Hillary, he is not adept at working the system.
      Also I think he has little to fear from any scandals, real or invented. He was elected with all his dirty washing on public display, and it didn’t deter the voters.
      I am hugely relieved that Hillary hasn’t got her grubby fingers on the levers of power, but that’s about the extent of my rejoicing.

      • I have explained in other threads my thoughts on America’s trajectory and why the United States must, and deserves to, collapse as a political entity. I don’t want to go over it here again. You have a different way of looking at things to me. I oppose immigration into white countries, whereas you seem to think immigration is fine as long as it’s selective. The reason America will collapse existentially is because something like your view (albeit a bit more radical) is the prevailing position among the Establishment. If you allow non-white immigration, even if selective, you are supporting your own civilisational death. You may as well put a gun to your head – it’d be quicker.

        Anyway, you forget that Trump is very experienced in politics. He may not have been a professional politician, but he has worked the system for decades. He doesn’t mention that much because he wants to be seen as a reformed insider, but his experience as an insider will prove invaluable now that he is president. He knows how to get things done and he will also have the very best advisers money can buy to help him. Not to mention both the House and Senate are still under Republican control.

        Regarding scandals, Trump made his fortune in construction and real estate, which is a very corrupt business, but scandals can be covered-up in various ways. As President, he is now in a very vulnerable position. He’s not clean, and he may have allowed his ego to pull him into a maw. However, from the White House he is also in a strong position to cover things up. Not everything about him has come out. There are allegations from his past floating around on the internet that, if even half-truth, make Hillary look like a candidate for sainthood by comparison. But he can use the appointments system and other forms of patronage and influence to mollify, silence and placate his opponents and would-be saboteurs.

  9. If Trump is the man we hope he is, and truly intends to deliver on his promises, there is some fundamental work he must perform in his first term. This victory was as much a victory over the Republican party as it was over the Democratic. To accomplish anything more than a morale boost for his supporters, to deliver on his really big promises and to make permanent any reforms he does manage to push through this term, he must now make his victory over the Republican party complete. In this election, I voted GOP straight down the ballot. This in spite of the fact that my district’s congressman withdrew his endorsement for Trump and is not at all the anti-establishment nationalist that Trump is and certainly isn’t any shade of a libertarian. I did so because the alternative was even worse and, out of fear of replacement, there is a chance GOP congressmen will fall in line at least on some issues. However, I do expect varying degrees of resistance to Trump from within the party itself. Trump will need to force as many as possible into line through public shaming during his first term, as we all know he’s quite good adept at, and then throw them out come the next round of congressional elections by endorsing explicitly Trumpian opponents. I hope that such will exist before the next election. Otherwise he’ll be forced to make due with a party that is only half-loyal, and that only under public pressure, who will by that time have had more than sufficient time to organize and redouble their efforts to undermine Trump. We have won this battle, and it was indeed a significant and desperately needed one, but there is still a long road ahead of us.

    • I agree. I’m old enough to remember the fiasco of Margaret Thatcher’s first two years, when she and her people had no idea what to do. After that, it generally got worse, as they began to do the wrong things.

      • That’s exactly what I’m afraid of. We have our work cut out for us and it would be wise to proceed under the assumption (probably correct) that we won’t get another chance at this.

    • It is important for its symbolic value. The coalition that brought DT to power is not something he put together, but something he stumbled across. The failure of the man it propelled to power will no more make it go away than the “disappointments” of the Bolshevik Revolution destroyed Marxism. Whether he builds his wall, or makes peace in the Middle East, people like us must now be taken seriously.

      • Yes, you’re right. By the way, I think the Republican party has to become a white identity party from now on. UKIP should be so too — when they asked Godfrey Bloom why the UKIP brochure only had English people on the cover, he should have simple stated, “because this is England”.

        • Curiously enough, the Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln proclaimed itself the “Party of the White man”. They wanted to keep the Blacks out of the new territories, whereas the Southerners wanted to be able to expand westwards with their slaves.
          The fact that history has turned this into some sort of moral crusade on Lincoln’s part to abolish slavery is an out-and-out travesty.

        • And tell me, how will that work when there are hysterical idiots like you squealing “Nazi!” at anybody who writes anything pro-white (except of course when YOU’RE writing it – you being more sophisticated than the rest of us)?

        • How would you propose to have a ‘White identity’ party in the United States when half the population is Black? In Lincoln’s day the solution was, theoretically anyway, simple – kick ’em all out. Lincoln wanted to deport the Negroes to Panama.
          I don’t think that idea would fly in today’s America somehow.
          In my view the problem has less to do with skin colour and more to do with religion, and Trump is clearly aware of that.
          Incidentally it occurs to me that there is more to a Trump victory than just a Trump victory. I think it was Sean who said something to the effect that he is just a conduit for a popular movement. The fact is that Trump can hardly be described as the ideal candidate to represent that movement; he has made blunder after blunder which have upset his own supporters (I’m not talking about the things that upset his opponents!), any one of which should have cost him the election. But he still got elected despite all of that.
          This demonstrates how robust this popular movement must be. They will vote for ANY candidate who espouses those views, just as they would vote for a donkey with a blue rosette in my home constituency of Horsham in West Sussex. I can certainly see the Trump effect myself here in Redneck country (Central Florida). Trump didn’t start it – he has merely given voice to it, and he has shown that his views carry a lot of votes, contrary to established political wisdom. It will be interesting to see if my perspective changes when I return to the UK next week.

          • Hugo, I thought Trump’s boasts about not paying tax “because he is smart” unwise, as , even if you don’t believe in personal taxation, most people would lean towards excluding the low-wages from the tax system first, and not the billionaires. Things like that – and not paying his contractors – were actually quite bad!

    • Just to save time, here’s a short version of that article you link:

      Fred Reed has a mestizo wife.

      There. That summarises the piece.

      It’s not a good assessment. It’s written by somebody with a vested interest in sneering at Trump. I agree we should be cautious about Trump, but only on the basis that we should be cautious about anybody who makes extravagant political promises, as Trump does. However Reed gets his facts wrong and puts forward no arguments.

      • Well, yes, Trump may surprise us. Put it this way: without real movement on immigration, it is difficult to see this win being repeated. If he appoints a Supreme Court judge, it needs to be someone who will overturn “birthright citizenship”. Getting rid of chain migration and asylum is also vital.

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