
…and the pressure on Israel builds up….

UPDATE:- And Hamas does not need to attack Israel. Discuss……indeed, could anybody, anyone, out there in the bloggeratosphere, tell me any reason why Israel needs to be attacked at all?

…amd here’s Danny Finkelstein of the Times.

David Davis

Something that someone thinks some one has told the UN about, and for which there “may be” witnesses, has been told to someone.

The Samouni family would not all be dead if some other lefties, who did not ask the Samounis’ permission to do so, had not got some Iranian rockets and fired them into Israel in the first place. I’m not advocating war: merely the removal of socialism and its pre-capitalist-desert-survival-guide-running-dogs and lackeys.


  1. Perhaps the attacks upon Palestinians trying to live peacefully?
    The use of force to prevent Palestinians trading. Forcing people into ghettos whilst annexing land through force (admittedly not all settlements were founded using force – some land was bought).

    The ordinary people of Israel should not be attacked, but there is nothing morally wrong with those who suffer violence at the hands of the Israeli state attacking said state.

    Those who suffer at the hands of Hamas of course have a right to defend themselves against the statist thugs of Hamas, but that is not what the Israeli state is doing.

    As usual ordinary people who want a peaceful, prosperous life, are suffering at the hands of the state.

  2. Tristan:

    “Those who suffer at the hands of Hamas of course have a right to defend themselves against the statist thugs of Hamas, but that is not what the Israeli state is doing.”

    As soon as you can suggest a way of actually doing this, I’m sure the Israelis will be only to pleased to go along with it.

    As things are, phoning the Hamas police and saying “One of your guys just killed one of our guys: please hand your guy over” is likely to result in ribald remarks and little else.


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